Seattle Public Schools


Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Welcome to CTE!

What is your student up to in their favorite class? Watch the slideshow below or visit our virtual showcase to see the fantastic projects, events, 以及与职业发现和准备直接相关的活动,我们优秀的老师每天都在指导.

landscape of catcti in black and white
Student looking at a computer with blue background

正规的棋牌平台排行榜的职业和技术教育为所有年龄段的学生在高中毕业后为职业和大学做好准备. Through CTE classes, 学生们可以探索各种各样的职业,并有机会深入研究 career pathways of particular interest to them!


CTE通过实践项目和基于问题的学习来加强学生的技术技能和知识. Working closely with industry partners, 我们的课程让学生接触到未来的工作需求.

Starting in elementary school, 学生可以参加计算机科学活动, robotics, and hands-on STEM learning. In middle school, 学生们开始设想高中毕业后的生活,通过他们的高中和超越计划,可以接触到媒体艺术等课程, engineering, and technology. Upon entering high school, 学生们调整他们的时间表,探索他们特别感兴趣的职业. 他们通过预备CTE课程获得技术技能 Skills Center, internships, field trips, and much much more.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜学生可使用的CTE课程地图. 小学(放大镜标志)标题为职业发现,副标题为机器人, computer science, class chats; midddle school - logo of moon explorer vehicle, 标题为职业探索,副标题为CTE探索, CTSO, and career connected learning; high school - logo of rocket on calendar page, career quest internships and skills center and CTE Dual credit/IRC subheadings; high school and alumni - career launch title with rocket logo, apprenticeship and other are subheadings

Robotics – 职业和技术教育正在与 Digital Learning 将课后机器人俱乐部推广到正规的棋牌平台排行榜的所有小学! Interested in getting your student signed up? Contact

Computer Science – 3 -5年级的老师可以参加每年12月举行的编程一小时活动. During Hour of Code, volunteers from Amazon, MineCraft, Microsoft, 和谷歌访问小学,提供计算机科学的实践学习活动,以及与人工智能接口的安全介绍.

Class Chats – 小学与来自各种STEM和其他途径的志愿者合作,讨论他们的工作,帮助学生开始将自己视为未来劳动力的一部分! 嘉宾的课堂演讲有助于建立学生所学知识与可能的职业道路之间的联系.


CTE Exploration – 初高中学生可以参加信息技术CTE课程, STEM, Media Arts, and more. 通过联系了解学生所在中学的课程

CTSOs – 有兴趣将自己的技能提升到一个新的水平的学生可以加入职业和技术学生组织. Let by a CTE teacher with knowledge of industry, 这些俱乐部允许学生参与STEM和其他学校的设计竞赛, locally, state-wide, and nationally. Read more about available CTSOS on our Student Leadership page.

Career Connected Learning – 初中和高中学生进行以工业为中心的实地考察, participate in career interest surveys, 并在CTE老师的指导下进行实习.


Career Quest Internships – CTE的目标是让所有感兴趣的高中生都能参与到有意义的实习经历中来. 我们的职业连接学习协调员和实习协调员维护一个 list of internships available to all SPS students.

Seattle Skills Center – Seattle Skills Center offers hands-on, 预备职业和技术学习机会在许多不同的途径. 技能中心课程对所有SPS学生开放,位于社区, high school, and middle school sites around the city. Learn more about Seattle Skills Center offerings.

CTE Dual Credit – 许多CTE课程提供CTE双大学学分或通过AP或IB考试获得学分的机会. 通过以下链接了解哪些课程提供CTE双学分 visiting our Pathways page or emailing


Apprenticeship – CTE offers an L&我认可了与SCWA和SPS项目劳动协议相关的预学徒制. 该队列的学生毕业后可以获得行业学徒资格.

Other – CTE教师和职业连接学习协调员与咨询密切合作,将学生与相关的高等教育机会联系起来,这些机会与他们的职业兴趣和未来的目标有关. Students can use Naviance to browse colleges and scholarship opportunities.